OSANA WellnessPeer Assistance - Jack was a CRNA for 14 years in Ohio when his OUD began secondary to treatment for chronic pain resulting from spondylolisthesis. He came very close to death twice. Once from a planned suicide which was unknowingly interrupted before he could begin his plan. The second time from an accidental overdose, which led to his first time in treatment. After 5 years of attempting to achieve and maintain recovery, he was discovered diverting. At that time he voluntarily surrendered his license and began his current recovery of nearly 30 years (March 28). He became Ohio's Peer Advisor in 2005 and has worked to assist CRNAs and RRNAs to understand the risks involved for anesthesia providers by lecturing to Ohio's anesthesia programs as well as numerous other programs in other states. Jack was a member of the AANA's Peer Assistance Advisor Panel from 2017 - 2024 and continues to work with the AANA, Parkdale Treatment facility in Indiana, and at the Ohio Community Health Recovery Center in Cincinnati. - Melinda Rakesmith Melinda has been a CRNA for 25 years! She has been in recovery for 10 years and regularly attends AA meetings. - Joe Melchi Joe retired from the Navy in 2023 after 23 years of service, the last seven as a CRNA. He is currently working at Memorial Hospital in Marysville and does some part-time locums work around Ohio. Joe has a wife and three kids ages 20, 15, and 12. “I’ve been interested in helping with impaired providers since I encountered a diverting provider quite a few years ago. I’ve also had close family members that have suffered from substance abuse issues so it is a particularly poignant topic for me. I do feel it’s an important topic that needs to be addressed on a recurring basis, since I don’t believe it will be going away as a problem for our profession anytime soon, unfortunately.” -Joe - Tom Minges I am currently a staff CRNA at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center in Cincinnati Ohio. I am also a faculty member at the University of Cincinnati in the Nurse Anesthesia Program. I serve as the DNP Project Coordinator and Obstetric Clinical Coordinator for the program. I graduated from UC in 2013 and obtained my DNP in 2020. Over the last 5 years of being faculty I have developed a significant interest in mental health and substance use. During that time, I have obtained a Substance Abuse Prevention Certificate and am currently in the Substance Abuse Counseling Certificate Program at The University of Cincinnati. I also hold an Ohio Chemical Dependency Counselor Assistant License. I am actively involved in addressing student mental health at the University of Cincinnati. - Rosemarie Okal I have been a CRNA over 30 years working in various practice settings from Private Practice, ACT, Solo, Locums and currently at a community hospital in Medina, OH employed by the Cleveland Clinic. There were a few instances throughout my career that sparked my interest in the Peer Support Team. Those scenarios were due to a few individuals who were having issues with diversion. I believed that I could help navigate their journey to sobriety. I have been blessed to work closely with my dear friend, Jack Stem, who worked tirelessly guiding, teaching, and supporting me through the process of helping those that need assistance. I am a strong believer in the strength and resilience of the human spirit and I am blessed to help anyone who reaches out, and trusts their journey and the process to wellness. - Want to learn more about wellness? Become a wellness ambassador through AANA’s CRNA Wellness Ambassador Micro-credential, an educational program covering key topics, including:
You earn 7.5 Class A credits and it costs only $200. BECOME A WELLNESS AMBASSADOR-
Wellness Apps
![]() Breathe 2 Relax: Guided breathing video and audio tutorials
![]() Calm: Guided meditations, help to manage stress, sleep better
![]() Mood gym: Web-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
![]() Virtual Hope Box: Improves users’ ability to cope with unpleasant thoughts and emotions
![]() Stay Alive: Customized safety plan, breathing and grounding exercise tutorials, online discussion forum, links to other suicide prevention resources
What Wellness Projects are our Students up to?
Utilizing a Podcast to Address Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist Burnout
Scot Brush and Maryclare Schardt, UC NAP Graduates 2024
Chair: Rachel Smith Steinert, Committee: Molly Chaney and Meghan McDonald
Mary Clare and Scot utilized responses from CRNAs and SRNAs to the Maslach Burnout Inventory for Human Health Services (MBI-HSS) to create a two-part educational podcast on burnout and mental health in the anesthesia profession. Additionally, they were joined by two currently practicing CRNAs - Katie Dean and Jessica Storey - where they discussed the survey results, what burnout looks like, and how it affects provider well-being. Links and QR codes to the episodes for both Apple Podcasts and Spotify can be found on the poster.
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Volunteer Opportunities!
Cleveland Marathon Water Station
Date: Sunday May 18 | 6-11am
Contact person: Elizabeth Adams, CCF SRNA, OSANA Student Board Member [email protected]
Link to sign up:https://clevelandmarathoninc.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer/?id=95054&job_name=water%20stop%20-%20osana&job_password=OSANA25
Cincinnati Marathon- Flying Pig
Date: May 2-4
Contact person: Tyler Beachy, UC SRNA, OSANA Student Board Member [email protected]
Volunteer Signup Link- https://flyingpigmarathon.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer/
Group-Specific Password- osana
Columbus Marathon- Nationwide Children’s Marathon
Date: October 18-19
Contact person: Derek Clear, OSU SRNA, OSANA Student Board Member [email protected]
Link to sign up: Stay Tuned!
OSANA has paired with Habitat for Humanity to participate in a Team Build!
Team Builds offer your organization the chance to help advance our shared vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Through Habitat’s Team Build program, your group will have the opportunity to learn new skills, strengthen relationships, and engage meaningfully with the community. Your participation also supports Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati’s mission by providing hands-on assistance, which helps offset construction costs.
A wellness oriented social event:
GOAT YOGA! - We are looking for more volunteer opportunities to give back to the communities we serve, if you have any suggestions please contact Molly Chaney, OSANA Wellness Committee Chair at (513)490-6247 or [email protected] |